
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any, Literal

class InterconnectAccountAttCredentials:
    AT&T Credential information.

    # Client id of the AT&T Account.
    client_id: str
    # Client secret of the AT&T Account.
    client_secret: str

class InterconnectAccountEquinixCredentials:
    Equinix Credential information.

    # Client id of the Equinix Account.
    client_id: str
    # Client secret of the Equinix Account.
    client_secret: str

class InterconnectAccountMegaportCredentials:
    Megaport Credential Information

    # Password of the Megaport Account.
    password: str
    # Username of the Megaport Account.
    username: str

class InterconnectAccount:
    # AT&T Credential information.
    att_credentials: InterconnectAccountAttCredentials
    edge_account_id: str
    edge_account_name: str
    edge_type: str
    # Equinix Credential information.
    equinix_credentials: InterconnectAccountEquinixCredentials
    # Megaport Credential Information
    megaport_credentials: InterconnectAccountMegaportCredentials
    billing_provider_type: Optional[str]
    cred_type: Optional[str]
    description: Optional[str]
    # List of regions
    region_list: Optional[List[str]]