from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
CloudTypeParam = Literal["AWS", "AZURE", "GCP"]
class GcpInterconnectAttachment:
Google cloud Interconnect Attachment Object.
cloud_router_ip_address: Optional[str]
customer_ip_address: Optional[str]
id: Optional[str]
# MTU of the Interconnect attachment
mtu: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
pairing_key: Optional[str]
region: Optional[str]
# Option to create Interconnect attachment in secondary zone
secondary_zone: Optional[str]
state: Optional[str]
class GcpCloudRouter:
Google cloud GCR Object.
name: str
network: str
# List of GCR Attachments
attachment_details: Optional[List[GcpInterconnectAttachment]]
cloud_router_asn: Optional[str]
id: Optional[str]
region: Optional[str]
class InlineResponse20010:
gcp_cloud_routers: Optional[List[GcpCloudRouter]]