
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union

InterconnectTypeParam = Literal["EQUINIX", "MEGAPORT"]

class InlineResponse20012:
    # Device-Link metro speed
    dl_metro_bandwidth: Optional[int]

class InterconnectDeviceLinkDeviceList:
    # Interface used on the Interconnect Gateway to connect to the Device-Link.
    device_interface_id: Optional[str]
    # IP assigned to the Interconnect Gateway interface to connect to the Device-Link.
    device_intf_ip_address: Optional[str]
    # Name of the Interconnect Gateway in the Device-Link.
    device_name: Optional[str]
    # Uuid of Interconnect Gateway in the Device-Link.
    device_uuid: Optional[str]
    # IP assigned to the loopback interface of the Interconnect Gateway to form SDWAN tunnel.
    egw_loop_back_cidr: Optional[str]

class InterconnectDeviceLink:
    Interconnect Device-Link Object

    # Device-Link Bandwidth Input.
    bandwidth: str
    # Name of the Interconnect Device-Link.
    device_link_name: str
    edge_account_id: str
    edge_type: str
    # Uuid of the Interconnect Device-Link
    device_link_uuid: Optional[str]
    # Subnet pool for Interconnect Gateway interfaces in the Device-Link.
    device_linksubnet: Optional[str]
    device_list: Optional[List[InterconnectDeviceLinkDeviceList]]
    # Device-Link Bandwidth at a given Metro.
    dl_metro_bandwidth: Optional[str]
    edge_account_name: Optional[str]
    # Device-Link Bandwidth.
    link_bandwidth: Optional[str]
    resource_state: Optional[str]
    resource_state_message: Optional[str]
    resource_state_update_ts: Optional[str]
    # Subnet pool for Interconnect Gateway interfaces in the Device-Link.
    subnet: Optional[str]
    # Version of the payload.
    version: Optional[str]