
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union

LicenseType = Literal["DIRECT", "PAYG", "PREPAID"]

EdgeGatewaySolution = Literal["MVE", "NE"]

EdgeType = Literal["ATT", "EQUINIX", "MEGAPORT"]

InterconnectTypeParam = Literal["EQUINIX", "MEGAPORT"]

class InterconnectConfigGroupSettings:
    # Config Group Id
    config_group_id: str
    # Config Group name
    config_group_name: str

class InterconnectMrfSettings:
    # Multi Region Fabric router role
    mrf_router_role: Optional[str]
    # Multi Region Fabric Transport Gateway
    mrf_transport_gateway: Optional[bool]
    # Network Hierarchy Region Id
    nhm_region_id: Optional[int]
    # Network Hierarchy Region name
    nhm_region_name: Optional[str]

class InterconnectGatewaySettings:
    instance_size: str
    software_image_id: str
    edge_gateway_solution: Optional[EdgeGatewaySolution]
    edge_type: Optional[EdgeType]
    # Assigned name of the Interconnect Gateway Custom Settings
    egw_custom_setting_name: Optional[str]
    # Ip subnet pool assigned to the gateway
    ip_subnet_pool: Optional[str]

class InterconnectGatewayExtended:
    device_uuid: str
    edge_account_id: str
    edge_billing_account_id: str
    edge_gateway_name: str
    edge_type: str
    ip_transit: str
    license_type: LicenseType
    region: str
    region_id: str
    site_name: str
    config_group_settings: Optional[InterconnectConfigGroupSettings]
    description: Optional[str]
    # BGP ASN assigned to Interconnect Gateway
    egw_bgp_asn: Optional[str]
    ip_transit_id: Optional[str]
    ip_transit_sku_id: Optional[str]
    # Custom Settings enabled for Interconnect Gateway
    is_custom_setting: Optional[bool]
    # License Sku Id of Interconnect Gateway
    license_sku_id: Optional[str]
    # Ip pool allocated to Interconnect Gateway for Loopback Interfaces
    loopback_cidr: Optional[str]
    mrf_settings: Optional[InterconnectMrfSettings]
    resource_state: Optional[str]
    resource_state_message: Optional[str]
    resource_state_update_ts: Optional[str]
    service_chain_attachments: Optional[str]
    settings: Optional[InterconnectGatewaySettings]

class ProcessResponse:
    # Procees Id of the task
    id: Optional[str]