
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union

Type = Literal[

class Variable:
    json_path: str
    var_name: str

class DhcpPool:
    lease_time_day: int
    lease_time_hour: int
    lease_time_min: int
    pool_network: str

class NatRule:
    description: str
    in_port: int
    inside_ip: str
    interface: str
    out_port: int
    protocol: str

class CreateNetworkProtocolProfileParcelForMobilityPostRequest:
    # Name of the Profile Parcel. Must be unique.
    name: str
    type_: Type
    # User who last created this.
    created_by: Optional[str]
    # Timestamp of creation
    created_on: Optional[int]
    # Description of the Profile Parcel.
    description: Optional[str]
    dhcp_pool: Optional[DhcpPool]
    dns_settings: Optional[str]
    # System generated unique identifier of the Profile Parcel in UUID format.
    id: Optional[str]
    # User who last updated this.
    last_updated_by: Optional[str]
    # Timestamp of last update
    last_updated_on: Optional[int]
    nat_rules: Optional[List[NatRule]]
    ntp_inherit: Optional[bool]
    ntp_settings: Optional[List[str]]
    variables: Optional[List[Variable]]