from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
ValueType = Literal[
class DirectConnectGatewayDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Direct connect gateway details
# Interconnect OnRamp AWS Direct Connect Gateway cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: str
# Interconnect On Ramp AWS Direct Connect Gateway cloud resource id
id: Optional[str]
# Interconnect On Ramp AWS Direct Connect Gateway cloud resource name
name: Optional[str]
class ExpressRouteCircuitDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Express route circuit details
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure express route circuit cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure express route circuit id
id: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure express route circuit name
name: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure express route circuit resource group
resource_group_name: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure express route circuit service key
service_key: Optional[str]
class CgwDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway association MultiCloud gateway details
# Interconnect On Ramp Gateway connection cloud connect cloud account id
cloud_account_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway associated cgw gateway name
name: str
# Interconnect on ramp gateway connection cgw advertised prefixes
advertised_prefixes: Optional[List[str]]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway associated cgw gateway id
id: Optional[str]
class TgwDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway association Transit gateway details
# Prefixes to be advertised to the Direct Connect Gateway
advertised_prefixes: List[str]
# Transit gateway cloud account id
cloud_account_id: str
# Transit gateway create flag
is_create: str
# Transit Gateway cloud side BGP ASN
bgp_asn: Optional[str]
# Transit gateway cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: Optional[str]
create: Optional[bool]
# Transit gateway id
id: Optional[str]
# Transit gateway name
name: Optional[str]
# Transit gateway region
region: Optional[str]
class VhubDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway association Virtual hub details
# Virtual hub gateway address prefix
address_prefix: str
# Virtual hub gateway cloud account id
cloud_account_id: str
# Virtual hub gateway create flag
is_create: str
# Virtual hub gateway cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: Optional[str]
create: Optional[bool]
# Virtual hub gateway id
id: Optional[str]
# Virtual hub gateway name
name: Optional[str]
# Virtual hub gateway region
region: Optional[str]
# Virtual hub gateway resource group
resource_group_name: Optional[str]
class GatewayAssociationDetail:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection gateway associations
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway association type
resource_type: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway association MultiCloud gateway details
cgw_details: Optional[CgwDetails]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway association Transit gateway details
tgw_details: Optional[TgwDetails]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway association Virtual hub details
vhub_details: Optional[VhubDetails]
class GoogleCloudRouterDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Google cloud router details
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router & attachment cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router & attachment role
role: str
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router attachment detail
google_attachment_detail: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router id
id: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router name
name: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router network
network: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Google cloud router region
region: Optional[str]
class ConnectionDetail:
Interconnect cross connection attachment connection details
# Interconnect cross connection name
connection_name: str
class InterconnectAttachments:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection interconnect attachments
# Interconnect cross connection attachment resource type
resource_type: str
# Interconnect cross connection attachment connection details
connection_details: Optional[ConnectionDetail]
class ResourceAssociationDetail:
associated_resource_connection_status: Optional[str]
associated_resource_id: Optional[str]
associated_resource_name: Optional[str]
associated_resource_status: Optional[str]
class InterconnectResourceState:
Interconnect virtual network connection resource state information
resource_association_details: Optional[
resource_state: Optional[str]
resource_state_message: Optional[str]
resource_state_update_ts: Optional[str]
class VirtualWanDetails:
Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Azure virtual wan details
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure virtual wan cloud resource id
cloud_resource_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure virtual wan id
id: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure virtual wan name
name: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp Azure virtual wan resource group
resource_group_name: Optional[str]
class InterconnectOnRampGatewayConnection:
# Interconnect cloud connect cloud access type
cloud_access_type: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection cloud connect cloud account id
cloud_account_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection cloud connect cloud account id
cloud_account_name: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection cloud connect cloud provider type
cloud_type: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection id
connection_id: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection name
connection_name: str
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway optional description
description: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Direct connect gateway details
direct_connect_gateway_details: Optional[
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Express route circuit details
express_route_circuit_details: Optional[
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection gateway associations
gateway_associations: Optional[List[GatewayAssociationDetail]]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Google cloud router details
google_cloud_router_details: Optional[
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection interconnect attachments
interconnect_attachments: Optional[List[InterconnectAttachments]]
# Interconnect virtual network connection resource state information
interconnect_resource_state: Optional[InterconnectResourceState]
# Interconnect cloud connect cloud access type
on_ramp_gateway_type: Optional[str]
# Interconnect cloud connect virtual network association type
virtual_network_association_type: Optional[str]
# Interconnect OnRamp gateway connection Azure virtual wan details
virtual_wan_details: Optional[VirtualWanDetails]
class CreateInterconnectOnRampGatewayConnectionPostRequest:
value_type: Optional[ValueType]
class ProcessResponse:
# Procees Id of the task
id: Optional[str]
class UpdateInterconnectOnRampGatewayConnectionPutRequest:
empty: Optional[bool]
value_type: Optional[ValueType]