
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any, Literal

class ProcessResponse:
    # Procees Id of the task
    id: Optional[str]

class ResourceAssociationDetail:
    associated_resource_connection_status: Optional[str]
    associated_resource_id: Optional[str]
    associated_resource_name: Optional[str]
    associated_resource_status: Optional[str]

class InterconnectResourceState:
    Interconnect virtual network connection resource state information

    resource_association_details: Optional[
    resource_state: Optional[str]
    resource_state_message: Optional[str]
    resource_state_update_ts: Optional[str]

class OnRampGatewayConnection:
    Interconnect onRamp gateway connection information

    # Interconnect onRamp gateway connection name
    name: str
    # Interconnect onRamp gateway connection id
    id: Optional[str]

class VirtualNetworkTagAssociation:
    Interconnect virtual network connection virtual network tag association list

    # Type of resource to be associated to the tag
    resource_type: str
    # Interconnect onRamp gateway connection information
    on_ramp_gateway_connection: Optional[OnRampGatewayConnection]

class VirtualNetworkTag:
    Interconnect virtual network connection virtual network tag list

    # Name of the Host VPC/VNET tag
    tag_name: str

class InterconnectVirtualNetworkConnection:
    # Interconnect virtual network connection cloud account id
    cloud_account_id: str
    # Interconnect virtual network connection cloud account name
    cloud_account_name: str
    # Cloud provider type
    cloud_type: str
    # Interconnect  virtual network connection name
    connection_name: str
    # Interconnect virtual network connection tag association type
    virtual_network_tag_association_type: str
    # Interconnect virtual network connection virtual network tag association list
    virtual_network_tag_associations: List[
    # Interconnect virtual network connection virtual network tag list
    virtual_network_tags: List[VirtualNetworkTag]
    # Interconnect virtual network connection id
    connection_id: Optional[str]
    # Interconnect virtual network connection resource state information
    resource_state: Optional[InterconnectResourceState]