
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any, Literal

class DeviceUsageDetails:
    # Name of the service provider.
    carrier_name: str
    # Name of the communication plan.
    communication_plan: str
    # Controller Id
    controller_id: str
    # Current Data Usage.
    current_data_usage: str
    # Identifier of the eSIM device.
    iccid: str
    # Name of the rate plan.
    rate_plan: str
    # Rate plan type.
    rate_plan_type: str
    # Slot Id
    slot_id: int
    # Details of any error encountered while retrieving device data usage
    error_details: Optional[str]
    # Bootstrap eSim Status
    esim_status: Optional[str]
    # Boolean flag that indicated if ICCID is on bootstrap account
    is_bootstrap: Optional[bool]
    # Total data used by other eSIM devices.
    other_esims_data_usage: Optional[str]
    # Rate plan usage limit.
    rate_plan_data_usage_limit: Optional[str]
    # Total data usage
    total_data_usage: Optional[str]
    # Total value of current data usage and data used by other eSIM devices
    usage_threshold_warning: Optional[List[str]]