cisco.dnac.inventory_intent module – Resource module for Network Device
This module is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 6.10.3).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.inventory_intent
New in cisco.dnac 6.8.0
Manage operations create, update and delete of the resource Network Device.
Adds the device with given credential.
Deletes the network device for the given Id.
Sync the devices provided as input.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
dnacentersdk >= 2.5.5
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
List of devices with credentails to perform Add/Update/Delete/Resync operation |
Status of Interface of a device, it can be (UP/DOWN). |
Required if need to delete the Provisioned device by clearing current configuration. Choices: |
Device’s cli transport protocol. Required for Adding Network Devices. |
Compute Device flag. Choices: |
Make this as true needed for the updation of device credentials and other device details. Choices: |
Preview/Deploy [Preview means the configuration is not pushed to the device. Deploy makes the configuration pushed to the device] Default: :ansible-option-default:`"Deploy"` |
Info about the global user defined field. Also used while updating interface details. |
Make this as true needed for the addition of device in inventory. Choices: |
Make this as true needed for the resyncing of device. Choices: |
Make this as true needed for the updation of device role, interface details, device credentails or details. Choices: |
Interface details of the wireless device |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Ip Address allocated to the interface |
Device’s enable password. |
Device’s extended discovery info. |
If forcesync is true then device sync would run in high priority thread if available, else the sync will fail. Choices: |
Device’s http password. Required for Adding Compute, Meraki, Firepower Management Devices. |
Device’s http port number. Required for Adding Compute, Firepower Management Devices. |
HttpSecure flag. Choices: |
Device’s http username. Required for Adding Compute,Firepower Management Devices. |
Device’s ipAddress. Required for Adding/Updating/Deleting/Resyncing Device except Meraki Devices. |
Location of the sites allocated for the APs |
Name of Global User Defined Field. Required for creating/deleting UDF and then assigning it to device. |
Device’s netconf port. |
enum(CREDENTIALDETAILS, DEVICEDETAILS) 0 to export Device Credential Details Or 1 to export Device Details. |
List of device parameters that needs to be exported to file. |
Device’s password. Required for Adding Network Device. Also needed for file encryption while exporting device in a csv file. |
Make this as true needed for the Rebooting of Access Points. Choices: |
Role of device which can be ACCESS, CORE, DISTRIBUTION, BORDER ROUTER, UNKNOWN. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"ACCESS"` |
role source for the Device. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"AUTO"` |
Device’s serial number. |
Required for Provisioning of Wired and Wireless Devices. |
Device’s snmp auth passphrase. Required for Adding Network, Compute, Third Party Devices. |
Device’s snmp Auth Protocol. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"SHA"` |
Device’s snmp Mode. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"AUTHPRIV"` |
Device’s snmp Private Passphrase. Required for Adding Network, Compute, Third Party Devices. |
Device’s snmp Private Protocol. Required for Adding Network, Compute, Third Party Devices. Must be given in playbook if you are updating the device credentails. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"AES128"` |
Device’s snmp Retry. Default: :ansible-option-default:`3` |
Device’s snmp ROCommunity. Required for Adding V2C Devices. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"public"` |
Device’s snmp RWCommunity. Required for Adding V2C Devices. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"private"` |
Device’s snmp Timeout. Default: :ansible-option-default:`5` |
Device’s snmp Username. Required for Adding Network, Compute, Third Party Devices. |
Device’s snmp Version. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"v3"` |
Network Device’s update Mgmt IPaddress List. |
Device’s existing Mgmt IpAddress. |
Device’s new Mgmt IpAddress. |
Network Device’s username. Required for Adding Network Device. |
Value to assign to tag with or without the same user defined field name. |
Unique Id number assigned to a VLAN within a network. |
Identifier used to distinguish a specific VLAN that is dedicated to voice traffic. |
Set to True to verify the Cisco DNA Center config after applying the playbook config. Choices: |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable debugging. Choices: |
The Cisco DNA Center hostname. |
Flag for logging playbook execution details. If set to true the log file will be created at the location of the execution with the name dnac.log Choices: |
Specifies the log level for Cisco Catalyst Center logging, categorizing logs by severity. Options- [CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG] Default: :ansible-option-default:`"INFO"` |
The Cisco DNA Center password to authenticate. |
The Cisco DNA Center port. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"443"` |
The Cisco DNA Center username to authenticate. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Choices: |
Informs the SDK which version of Cisco DNA Center to use. Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
The state of Cisco DNA Center after module completion. Choices: |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. Choices: |
SDK Method used are devices.Devices.add_device, devices.Devices.delete_device_by_id, devices.Devices.sync_devices,
Paths used are post /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device, delete /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}, put /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device,
Removed ‘managementIpAddress’ options in v4.3.0.
Does not support
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco DNAC SDK
The parameters starting with dnac_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Devices AddDevice2
Complete reference of the AddDevice2 API.
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Devices DeleteDeviceById
Complete reference of the DeleteDeviceById API.
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Devices SyncDevices2
Complete reference of the SyncDevices2 API.
- name: Add new device in Inventory with full credentials
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- cli_transport: string
compute_device: false
enable_password: string
extended_discovery_info: string
http_password: string
http_port: string
http_secure: false
http_username: string
- string
netconf_port: string
password: string
serial_number: string
snmp_auth_passphrase: string
snmp_auth_protocol: string
snmp_mode: string
snmp_priv_passphrase: string
snmp_priv_protocol: string
snmp_ro_community: string
snmp_rw_community: string
snmp_retry: 3
snmp_timeout: 5
snmp_username: string
snmp_version: string
type: string
device_added: true
username: string
- name: Add new Compute device in Inventory with full credentials.Inputs needed for Compute Device
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
http_username: string
http_password: string
http_port: string
snmp_auth_passphrase: string
snmp_auth_protocol: string
snmp_mode: string
snmp_priv_passphrase: string
snmp_priv_protocol: string
snmp_retry: 3
snmp_timeout: 5
snmp_username: string
compute_device: true
username: string
device_added: true
- name: Add new Meraki device in Inventory with full credentials.Inputs needed for Meraki Device.
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- http_password: string
device_added: true
- name: Add new Firepower Management device in Inventory with full credentials.Input needed to add Device.
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
http_username: string
http_password: string
http_port: string
device_added: true
- name: Add new Third Party device in Inventory with full credentials.Input needed to add Device.
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
snmp_auth_passphrase: string
snmp_auth_protocol: string
snmp_mode: string
snmp_priv_passphrase: string
snmp_priv_protocol: string
snmp_retry: 3
snmp_timeout: 5
snmp_username: string
device_added: true
- name: Update device details or credentails in Inventory
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- cli_transport: string
compute_device: false
password: string
enable_password: string
extended_discovery_info: string
http_password: string
http_port: string
http_secure: false
http_username: string
- string
netconf_port: string
serial_number: string
snmp_auth_passphrase: string
snmp_auth_protocol: string
snmp_mode: string
snmp_priv_passphrase: string
snmp_priv_protocol: string
snmp_username: string
snmp_version: string
type: string
device_update: true
credential_update: true
- exist_mgmt_ipaddress: string
new_mgmt_ipaddress: string
username: string
- name: Associate Wired Devices to site and Provisioned it in Inventory
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
site_name: string
- name: Associate Wireless Devices to site and Provisioned it in Inventory
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
- site_name: string
- string
- interface_ip_address: string
interface_netmask_in_cidr: int
interface_gateway: string
lag_or_port_number: int
vlan_id: int
interface_name: string
- name: Update Device Role with IP Address
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
device_updated: true
role: string
role_source: string
- name: Update Interface details with IP Address
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
device_updated: true
description: str
admin_status: str
vlan_id: int
voice_vlan_id: int
deployment_mode: str
- name: Export Device Details in a CSV file Interface details with IP Address
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
password: str
operation_enum: str
parameters: str
- name: Create Global User Defined with IP Address
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
name: string
description: string
value: string
- name: Resync Device with IP Addresses
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
device_resync: true
force_sync: false
- name: Reboot AP Devices with IP Addresses
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: merged
- ip_address:
- string
reboot_device: true
- name: Delete Provision/Unprovision Devices by IP Address
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log: False
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
state: deleted
- ip_address:
- string
clean_config: false
- name: Delete Global User Defined Field with name
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
dnac_log_level: "{{dnac_log_level}}"
dnac_log: False
state: deleted
- ip_address:
- string
name: string
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco DNA Center Python SDK Returned: always Sample: :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` |