cisco.dnac.wireless_accespoint_configuration module -- Resource module for Wireless Accespoint Configuration
This module is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 6.11.0).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.wireless_accespoint_configuration
New in cisco.dnac 6.7.0
Manage operation create of the resource Wireless Accespoint Configuration.
User can configure multiple access points with required options using this intent API.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
dnacentersdk >= 2.5.5
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
Configure the access point's admin status. Set this parameter's value to "true" to enable it and "false" to disable it. Choices: |
Configure the height of the access point by setting a value between 3 and height of the floor. |
Wireless Accespoint Configuration's apList. |
The current host name of the access point. |
The modified hostname of the access point. |
The ethernet MAC address of the access point. |
Configure the access point's mode for local/flexconnect mode, set "0"; for monitor mode, set "1"; for sniffer mode, set "4"; and for bridge/flex+bridge mode, set "5". |
To change the access point's admin status, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's height, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's mode, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's failover priority, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's HA controller, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's LED brightness level, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's LED status, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the access point's location, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable debugging. Choices: |
The Cisco DNA Center hostname. |
The Cisco DNA Center password to authenticate. |
The Cisco DNA Center port. Default: :ansible-option-default:`443` |
The Cisco DNA Center username to authenticate. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Choices: |
Informs the SDK which version of Cisco DNA Center to use. Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
Configure the acess point's failover priority for low, set "1"; for medium, set "2"; for high, set "3"; and for critical, set "4". |
Configure the access point's LED brightness level by setting a value between 1 and 8. |
Configure the access point's LED status. Set "true" to enable its status and "false" to disable it. Choices: |
Configure the access point's location. |
Configure the hostname for an access point's primary controller. |
Wireless Accespoint Configuration's primaryIpAddress. |
Configure the IP address for an access point's primary controller. |
Wireless Accespoint Configuration's radioConfigurations. |
Configure the admin status on the specified radio for an access point. Set this parameter's value to "true" to enable it and "false" to disable it. Choices: |
Configure the antenna cable name on the specified radio for an access point. If cable loss needs to be configured, set this parameter's value to "other". |
Configure the antenna degree on the specified radio for an access point. |
Configure the antenna elevation angle on the specified radio for an access point. |
Configure the antenna elevation angle direction on the specified radio for an access point for up, set "1"; for down, set "-1". |
Configure the antenna gain on the specified radio for an access point by setting a decimal value (in dBi). |
Configure the antenna pattern name on the specified radio for an access point. If antenna gain needs to be configured, set this parameter's value to "other". |
Configure the cable loss on the specified radio for an access point by setting a decimal value (in dBi). |
Configure the channel assignment mode on the specified radio for an access point for global mode, set "1"; and for custom mode, set "2". |
Configure the channel number on the specified radio for an access point. |
Configure the channel width on the specified radio for an access point for 20 MHz, set "3"; for 40 MHz, set "4"; for 80 MHz, set "5"; and for 160 MHz, set "6". |
Configure CleanAir or Spectrum Intelligence on the specified radio for an access point. Set this parameter's value to "0" to disable the feature or "1" to enable it. |
To change the admin status on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the antenna cable name on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the antenna degree on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the antenna pattern name on the specified radio for an access point, set the value for this parameter to "true". Choices: |
To change the channel on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the channel width on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To enable or disable either CleanAir or Spectrum Intelligence on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the elevation angle degree on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the power assignment mode on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
To change the radio role on the specified radio for an access point, set this parameter's value to "true". Choices: |
Configure the power assignment mode on the specified radio for an access point for global mode, set "1"; and for custom mode, set "2". |
Configure the power level on the specified radio for an access point by setting a value between 1 and 8. |
Configure the band on the specified radio for an access point for 2.4 GHz, set "RADIO24"; for 5 GHz, set "RADIO5". |
Configure one of the following roles on the specified radio for an access point "auto", "serving", or "monitor". |
Configure an access point's radio band for 2.4 GHz, set "1"; for 5 GHz, set "2"; for XOR, set "3"; and for 6 GHz, set "6". |
Configure the hostname for an access point's secondary controller. |
Wireless Accespoint Configuration's secondaryIpAddress. |
Configure the IP address for an access point's secondary controller. |
Configure the hostname for an access point's tertiary controller. |
Wireless Accespoint Configuration's tertiaryIpAddress. |
Configure the IP address for an access point's tertiary controller. |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. Choices: |
SDK Method used are wireless.Wireless.configure_access_points,
Paths used are post /dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/accesspoint-configuration,
Does not support
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco DNAC SDK
The parameters starting with dnac_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Wireless ConfigureAccessPoints
Complete reference of the ConfigureAccessPoints API.
- name: Create
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
adminStatus: true
apHeight: 0
- apName: string
apNameNew: string
macAddress: string
apMode: 0
configureAdminStatus: true
configureApHeight: true
configureApMode: true
configureFailoverPriority: true
configureHAController: true
configureLedBrightnessLevel: true
configureLedStatus: true
configureLocation: true
failoverPriority: 0
ledBrightnessLevel: 0
ledStatus: true
location: string
primaryControllerName: string
address: string
- adminStatus: true
antennaCableName: string
antennaDegree: 0
antennaElevAngleDegree: 0
antennaElevAngleSign: 0
antennaGain: 0
antennaPatternName: string
cableLoss: 0
channelAssignmentMode: 0
channelNumber: 0
channelWidth: 0
cleanAirSI: 0
configureAdminStatus: true
configureAntennaCable: true
configureAntennaDegree: true
configureAntennaPatternName: true
configureChannel: true
configureChannelWidth: true
configureCleanAirSI: true
configureElevAngleDegree: true
configurePower: true
configureRadioRoleAssignment: true
powerAssignmentMode: 0
powerlevel: 0
radioBand: string
radioRoleAssignment: string
radioType: 0
secondaryControllerName: string
address: string
tertiaryControllerName: string
address: string
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK Returned: always Sample: :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` |