.. Document meta :orphan: .. |antsibull-internal-nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0 :trim: .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-label .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-property .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-full .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-partial .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-none .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-na .. role:: ansible-option-type .. role:: ansible-option-elements .. role:: ansible-option-required .. role:: ansible-option-versionadded .. role:: ansible-option-aliases .. role:: ansible-option-choices .. role:: ansible-option-choices-default-mark .. role:: ansible-option-default-bold .. role:: ansible-option-configuration .. role:: ansible-option-returned-bold .. role:: ansible-option-sample-bold .. Anchors .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module: .. Anchors: short name for ansible.builtin .. Anchors: aliases .. Title cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info module -- Information module for Client Detail V1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. Collection note .. note:: This module is part of the `cisco.dnac collection `_ (version 6.27.0). To install it, use: :code:`ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac`. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see :ref:`Requirements ` for details. To use it in a playbook, specify: :code:`cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info`. .. version_added .. rst-class:: ansible-version-added New in cisco.dnac 3.1.0 .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. Deprecated Synopsis -------- .. Description - Get all Client Detail V1. - Returns detailed Client information retrieved by Mac Address for any given point of time. .. note:: This module has a corresponding :ref:`action plugin `. .. Aliases .. Requirements .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module_requirements: Requirements ------------ The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. - dnacentersdk \>= 2.4.9 - python \>= 3.5 .. Options Parameters ---------- .. rst-class:: ansible-option-table .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comments * - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_debug: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_debug** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable debugging. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_host: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_host** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The Cisco DNA Center hostname. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_password: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_password** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The Cisco DNA Center password to authenticate. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_port: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_port** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The Cisco DNA Center port. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`443` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_username: .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-user: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_username** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-aliases:`aliases: user` .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The Cisco DNA Center username to authenticate. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_verify: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_verify** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-dnac_version: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_version** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Informs the SDK which version of Cisco DNA Center to use. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`""` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-headers: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **headers** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Additional headers. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-macaddress: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **macAddress** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
MacAddress query parameter. MAC Address of the client. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-timestamp: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **timestamp** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`float` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Timestamp query parameter. Epoch time(in milliseconds) when the Client health data is required. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__parameter-validate_response_schema: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **validate_response_schema** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
.. Attributes .. Notes Notes ----- .. note:: - SDK Method used are clients.Clients.get\_client\_detail\_v1, - Paths used are get /dna/intent/api/v1/client-detail, - Supports \ :literal:`check\_mode`\ - The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco DNAC SDK - The parameters starting with dnac\_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection .. Seealso See Also -------- .. seealso:: `Cisco DNA Center documentation for Clients GetClientDetailV1 `_ Complete reference of the GetClientDetailV1 API. .. Examples Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Get all Client Detail V1 cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" headers: "{{my_headers | from_json}}" macAddress: string timestamp: 0 register: result .. Facts .. Return values Return Values ------------- Common return values are documented :ref:`here `, the following are the fields unique to this module: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-table .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Description * - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.client_detail_v1_info_module__return-dnac_response: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_response** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"connectionInfo": {"band": "string", "channel": "string", "channelWidth": "string", "hostType": "string", "nwDeviceMac": "string", "nwDeviceName": "string", "protocol": "string", "spatialStream": "string", "timestamp": 0, "uapsd": "string", "wmm": "string"}, "detail": {"aaaServerEAPLatency": 0, "aaaServerFailedTransaction": 0, "aaaServerIp": "string", "aaaServerLatency": 0, "aaaServerMABLatency": 0, "aaaServerSuccessTransaction": 0, "aaaServerTransaction": 0, "apGroup": "string", "authType": "string", "avgRssi": "string", "avgSnr": "string", "bridgeVMMode": "string", "channel": "string", "clientConnection": "string", "clientType": "string", "connectedDevice": [{"band": "string", "id": "string", "ip address": "string", "mac": "string", "mgmtIp": "string", "mode": "string", "name": "string", "type": "string"}], "connectedUpn": "string", "connectedUpnId": "string", "connectedUpnOwner": "string", "connectionStatus": "string", "countryCode": "string", "dataRate": "string", "deviceForm": "string", "deviceVendor": "string", "dhcpDeclineIp": "string", "dhcpNakIp": "string", "dhcpServerDOLatency": 0, "dhcpServerFailedTransaction": 0, "dhcpServerIp": "string", "dhcpServerLatency": 0, "dhcpServerRALatency": 0, "dhcpServerSuccessTransaction": 0, "dhcpServerTransaction": 0, "dnsRequest": "string", "dnsResponse": "string", "dot11Protocol": "string", "dot11ProtocolCapability": "string", "duid": "string", "firmwareVersion": "string", "frequency": "string", "healthScore": [{"healthType": "string", "reason": "string", "score": 0}], "hostIpV4": "string", "hostIpV6": ["string"], "hostMac": "string", "hostName": "string", "hostOs": "string", "hostType": "string", "hostVersion": "string", "hwModel": "string", "id": "string", "identifier": "string", "intelCapable": true, "iosCapable": true, "isGuestUPNEndpoint": true, "issueCount": 0, "l2VirtualNetwork": "string", "l3VirtualNetwork": "string", "lastUpdated": 0, "latencyBe": 0, "latencyBg": 0, "latencyVideo": 0, "latencyVoice": 0, "linkSpeed": 0, "linkThreshold": "string", "location": "string", "maxRoamingDuration": "string", "modelName": "string", "onboarding": {"aaaRootcauseList": ["string"], "aaaServerIp": "string", "assocDoneTime": 0, "assocRootcauseList": ["string"], "authDoneTime": 0, "averageAssocDuration": "string", "averageAuthDuration": "string", "averageDhcpDuration": "string", "averageRunDuration": "string", "dhcpDoneTime": 0, "dhcpRootcauseList": ["string"], "dhcpServerIp": "string", "latestRootCauseList": ["string"], "maxAssocDuration": "string", "maxAuthDuration": "string", "maxDhcpDuration": "string", "maxRunDuration": "string", "otherRootcauseList": ["string"]}, "onboardingTime": 0, "port": "string", "portDescription": "string", "powerType": "string", "privateMac": true, "remoteEndDuplexMode": "string", "rssi": "string", "rssiIsInclude": "string", "rssiThreshold": "string", "rxBytes": "string", "rxLinkError": 0, "rxRate": 0, "rxRetryPct": "string", "salesCode": "string", "sessionDuration": "string", "sgt": "string", "slotId": 0, "snr": "string", "snrIsInclude": "string", "snrThreshold": "string", "ssid": "string", "subType": "string", "tracked": "string", "trustDetails": "string", "trustScore": "string", "txBytes": "string", "txLinkError": 0, "txRate": 0, "upnId": "string", "upnName": "string", "upnOwner": "string", "usage": 0, "userId": "string", "versionTime": 0, "vlanId": 0, "vnid": 0, "wlcName": "string", "wlcUuid": "string"}, "topology": {"links": [{"apRadioAdminStatus": "string", "apRadioOperStatus": "string", "id": "string", "interfaceDetails": [{"adminStatus": "string", "clientMacAddress": "string", "connectedDeviceIntName": "string", "duplex": "string", "portMode": "string"}], "label": ["string"], "linkStatus": "string", "portUtilization": 0, "source": "string", "sourceAdminStatus": "string", "sourceDuplexInfo": "string", "sourceInterfaceName": "string", "sourceLinkStatus": "string", "sourcePortMode": "string", "sourcePortVLANInfo": "string", "target": "string", "targetAdminStatus": "string", "targetDuplexInfo": "string", "targetInterfaceName": "string", "targetLinkStatus": "string", "targetPortMode": "string", "targetPortVLANInfo": "string"}], "nodes": [{"clients": 0, "connectedDevice": "string", "count": 0, "description": "string", "deviceType": "string", "fabricGroup": "string", "fabricRole": ["string"], "family": "string", "healthScore": 0, "id": "string", "ip": "string", "ipv6": ["string"], "level": 0, "name": "string", "nodeType": "string", "platformId": "string", "radioFrequency": "string", "role": "string", "softwareVersion": "string", "stackType": "string", "userId": "string"}]}}` .. raw:: html
.. Status (Presently only deprecated) .. Authors Authors ~~~~~~~ - Rafael Campos (@racampos) .. Extra links Collection links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. raw:: html .. Parsing errors