.. Document meta :orphan: .. |antsibull-internal-nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0 :trim: .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-label .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-property .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-full .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-partial .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-none .. role:: ansible-attribute-support-na .. role:: ansible-option-type .. role:: ansible-option-elements .. role:: ansible-option-required .. role:: ansible-option-versionadded .. role:: ansible-option-aliases .. role:: ansible-option-choices .. role:: ansible-option-choices-default-mark .. role:: ansible-option-default-bold .. role:: ansible-option-configuration .. role:: ansible-option-returned-bold .. role:: ansible-option-sample-bold .. Anchors .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module: .. Anchors: short name for ansible.builtin .. Anchors: aliases .. Title cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager module -- Manage SDA fabric devices in Cisco Catalyst Center. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. Collection note .. note:: This module is part of the `cisco.dnac collection `_ (version 6.27.0). To install it, use: :code:`ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac`. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see :ref:`Requirements ` for details. To use it in a playbook, specify: :code:`cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager`. .. version_added .. rst-class:: ansible-version-added New in cisco.dnac 6.21.0 .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. Deprecated Synopsis -------- .. Description - Perform operations on SDA fabric devices, including adding, updating, and deleting fabric devices. - Manage L2 handoffs for fabric devices, including adding and deleting configurations. - Manage L3 handoffs for fabric devices with IP transit, including adding, updating, and deleting configurations. - Manage L3 handoffs for fabric devices with SDA transit, including adding, updating, and deleting configurations. .. Aliases .. Requirements .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module_requirements: Requirements ------------ The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module. - dnacentersdk \>= 2.9.2 - python \>= 3.9 .. Options Parameters ---------- .. rst-class:: ansible-option-table .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comments * - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **config** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=dictionary` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
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A list of SDA fabric device configurations associated with fabric sites. Each entry in the list represents the configurations for devices within a fabric site. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **fabric_devices** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
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Configuration details for SDA fabric devices associated with a fabric site. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **device_config** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=dictionary` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
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A list of devices with their respective border settings, L2 handoff, L3 handoff with SDA transit, and L3 handoff with IP transit. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **borders_settings** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
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Effective only when the 'device\_roles' contains BORDER\_NODE. This parameter is required when adding the device to a fabric site with the \`BORDER\_NODE\` role. Updates to \`borders\_settings\` are allowed after the initial configuration. Border type can be Layer2 or Layer3. Border type can be Layer2 or Layer3, identified based on the presence of L2 Handoff or L3 Handoff with IP or SDA transit. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer2_handoff: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **layer2_handoff** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Adds layer 2 handoffs in fabric devices. This parameter cannots be updated. Configured while transferring a device's data traffic at Layer 2 (Data Link layer). If 'layer2\_handoff' is set, the border type will be considered as Layer2. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer2_handoff/external_vlan_id: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **external_vlan_id** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Represents to the VLAN identifier used for traffic that exits the fabric to external networks. Should be unique across the entire fabric site settings. This parameter is required for all operations in 'layer2\_handoff'. The 'external\_vlan\_id' can range from 1 to 4094, excluding 1, 1002-1005, 2046, and 4094. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer2_handoff/interface_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **interface_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
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Refers to the specific network interface in the border device. This parameter is required for all operations in L2 Handoff. The 'interface\_name' cannot be updated. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer2_handoff/internal_vlan_id: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **internal_vlan_id** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Represents the VLAN identifier used within the fabric for traffic segmentation among devices. Should be unique across the entire fabric site settings. This parameter is required for all operations in layer2\_handoff. The 'internal\_vlan\_id' can range from 1 to 4094, excluding 1, 1002-1005, 2046, and 4094. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **layer3_handoff_ip_transit** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=dictionary` .. raw:: html
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Adds layer 3 handoffs with ip transit in fabric devices. Configured when IP traffic is routed from the SDA fabric to external networks. If 'layer3\_handoff\_ip\_transit' is set, border type will be considered as Layer3. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/external_connectivity_ip_pool_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **external_connectivity_ip_pool_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
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Denotes the IP address range allocated for communication between the SDA fabric and external networks. This parameter is required for adding the L3 Handoff with IP transit. The IP pool must be reserved in the fabric site. If \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` is specified, there is no need to set the local and remote addresses. Specifying \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` will automatically configure the local and remote addresses. If both are set, \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` takes precedence. Updating IP addresses is not permitted. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/interface_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **interface_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
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Refers to the specific network interface in the border device. This parameter is required for all operations in L3 Handoff with IP transit. This parameter cannot be updated after being set. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/local_ip_address: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **local_ip_address** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
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IP address assigned to a device's interface within the fabric. The 'local\_ip\_address' is for IPv4. Both 'local\_ip\_address' and 'remote\_ip\_address' must fall within the same subnet. Either local and remote addresses or \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` is required. If local and remote addresses are provided with 'external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name', \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` takes precedence. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/local_ipv6_address: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **local_ipv6_address** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
IP address assigned to a device's interface within the fabric. The local\_ipv6\_address is for IPv6. Both 'local\_ipv6\_address' and 'remote\_ipv6\_address' must fall within the same subnet. If 'remote\_ipv6\_address' is provided, then 'local\_ipv6\_address' is required. If local and remote addresses are provided with 'external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name', \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` takes precedence. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/remote_ip_address: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **remote_ip_address** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
IP address of a device located outside the fabric network, often used for BGP peering. The 'remote\_ip\_address' is for IPv4. Both 'local\_ip\_address' and 'remote\_ip\_address' must fall within the same subnet. Either local and remote addresses or \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` is required. If local and remote addresses are provided with 'external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name', \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` takes precedence. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/remote_ipv6_address: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **remote_ipv6_address** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
IP address of a device located outside the fabric network, often used for BGP peering. The 'remote\_ipv6\_address' is for IPv6. Both 'local\_ipv6\_address' and 'remote\_ipv6\_address' must fall within the same subnet. If 'local\_ipv6\_address' is provided, then 'remote\_ipv6\_address' is required. If local and remote addresses are provided with 'external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name', \`external\_connectivity\_ip\_pool\_name\` takes precedence. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/tcp_mss_adjustment: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **tcp_mss_adjustment** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Allows the modification of the Maximum Segment Size in TCP packets. The 'tcp\_mss\_adjustment' can be set from 500 to 1440. This parameter can be updated after being initially set. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/transit_network_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **transit_network_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Network that connects multiple SDA fabrics or networks. Required for all operations in L3 Handoff with IP transit. It is not possible to update \`transit\_network\_name\` after initial configuration. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/virtual_network_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **virtual_network_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Refers to the logical segmentation of the network, grouping devices into isolated virtual networks. Either \`virtual\_network\_name\` or \`vlan\_id\` is required for all operations in L3 Handoff with IP transit. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_ip_transit/vlan_id: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **vlan_id** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Unique identifier assigned to a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). Should be unique across the entire fabric site settings. The 'vlan\_id' can range from 1 to 4094, excluding 1, 1002-1005, 2046, and 4094. Either \`virtual\_network\_name\` or \`vlan\_id\` is required for all operations in L3 Handoff with IP transit. This parameter cannot be updated once set. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **layer3_handoff_sda_transit** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Adds layer 3 handoffs with SDA transit in fabric devices. Configured when routing traffic is routed from the SDA fabric to external networks. If 'layer3\_handoff\_sda\_transit' is set, border type will be considered as Layer3. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit/affinity_id_decider: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **affinity_id_decider** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
If the 'affinity\_id\_prime' value is the same, the 'affinity\_id\_decider' value is used as a tiebreaker. The lower the relative value of 'affinity\_id\_decider', the higher the preference. The 'affinity\_id\_decider' ranges from 0 to 2147483647. The 'affinity\_id\_decider' can be updated. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit/affinity_id_prime: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **affinity_id_prime** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
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It supersedes the border priority to determine border node preference. The lower the relative value of 'affinity\_id\_prime', the higher the preference. Resources with the same affinity ID are treated similarly and affinity\_id\_decider decides the priority. The 'affinity\_id\_prime' ranges from 0 to 2147483647. The 'affinity\_id\_prime' can be updated. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit/connected_to_internet: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **connected_to_internet** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
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Set this true to allow associated site to provide internet access to other sites through SDA. Default value is false. This parameter can be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit/is_multicast_over_transit_enabled: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **is_multicast_over_transit_enabled** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Set this true to configure native multicast over multiple sites that are connected to an SDA transit. Default value is false. This parameter can be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_handoff_sda_transit/transit_network_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **transit_network_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
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Network that connects multiple SDA fabrics or networks. This parameter is required for all operations in L3 Handoff with SDA transit. The transit\_network\_name cannot be updated. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **layer3_settings** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=dictionary` .. raw:: html
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Configures a device with a Layer3 border type. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings/border_priority: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **border_priority** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Sets the preference level for this Border Node when multiple border nodes are present. Higher-priority nodes are favored for routing traffic to external networks. Acceptable range is from 1 to 9. If not set, the default value is 10. This parameter can be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`10` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings/import_external_routes: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **import_external_routes** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Determines whether routes from external networks are imported into the fabric. Enhances security by limiting route usage to internal routes. The 'import\_external\_routes' cannot be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings/is_default_exit: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **is_default_exit** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Indicates whether this Border Node serves as the default gateway for traffic exiting the virtual network. The \`is\_default\_exit\` cannot be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings/local_autonomous_system_number: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **local_autonomous_system_number** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Identifies the local autonomous system in BGP routing. This parameter is required when adding a device with the \`BORDER\_NODE\` role. The \`local\_autonomous\_system\_number\` cannot be updated once set. Acceptable range is from 1 to 4,294,967,295. Dot notation (1.0 to 65535.65535) is also allowed. For example, 65534.65535. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/borders_settings/layer3_settings/prepend_autonomous_system_count: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **prepend_autonomous_system_count** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Increases the AS path length artificially when advertising routes via BGP. It makes the route less attractive to external peers. Acceptable range is from 1 to 10. If not set, the default value is 0. This parameter can be updated. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`0` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/device_ip: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **device_ip** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
IP address of the device to be added to the fabric site. Mandatory parameter for all operations under fabric\_devices. Device must be provisioned to the site prior to configuration. For deleting a device, the device will be deleted if the user doesnot pass the layer3\_handoff\_ip\_transit, layer3\_handoff\_sda\_transit and layer2\_handoff with the state as deleted. .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/device_roles: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **device_roles** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`list` / :ansible-option-elements:`elements=string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Specifies the role(s) of the device within the fabric site. This parameter is required when adding the device to the fabric site. The device roles cannot be updated once assigned. At least one device must be a CONTROL\_PLANE\_NODE to assign roles to other devices. An EDGE\_NODE in a fabric cannot be a CONTROL\_PLANE\_NODE. The device role [CONTROL\_PLANE\_NODE, EDGE\_NODE] is not allowed. Available roles, - CONTROL\_PLANE\_NODE - Manages the mapping of endpoint IP addresses to their location within the network using LISP, enabling mobility. - EDGE\_NODE - Connects endpoints to the SDA network, handling policy enforcement, segmentation, and communication with the control plane. - BORDER\_NODE - Acts as the gateway between the fabric and external networks, managing traffic entering or exiting the SDA environment. - WIRELESS\_CONTROLLER\_NODE - Manages and controls wireless access points and devices within the network. For 'WIRELESS\_CONTROLLER\_NODE', the check for the provisioning status will be added in SDK. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"CONTROL\_PLANE\_NODE"` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"EDGE\_NODE"` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"BORDER\_NODE"` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"WIRELESS\_CONTROLLER\_NODE"` .. raw:: html
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.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/device_config/route_distribution_protocol: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **route_distribution_protocol** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Specifies the Route Distribution Protocol for the Control Plane Device. The route distribution protocol manages routing information across network segments. Available protocols, - LISP\_BGP - Location/ID Separation Protocol with a publish-subscribe mechanism for distributing routing information. - LISP\_PUB\_SUB - Location/ID Separation Protocol with BGP, where BGP serves as the control plane to advertise and manage routing information within LISP networks. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`"LISP\_BGP"` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"LISP\_PUB\_SUB"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config/fabric_devices/fabric_name: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **fabric_name** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Name of the SDA fabric site. Mandatory parameter for all operations under fabric\_devices. The fabric site must already be created before configuring devices. A Fabric Site is composed of networking devices operating in SD-Access Fabric roles. A fabric site consists of networking devices in SD-Access Fabric roles, including Border Nodes, Control Plane Nodes, and Edge Nodes. A Fabric sites may also include Fabric Wireless LAN Controllers and Fabric Wireless Access Points. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-config_verify: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **config_verify** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Set to True to verify the Cisco Catalyst Center after applying the playbook config. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_api_task_timeout: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_api_task_timeout** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Defines the timeout in seconds for API calls to retrieve task details. If the task details are not received within this period, the process will end, and a timeout notification will be logged. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`1200` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_debug: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_debug** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Indicates whether debugging is enabled in the Cisco Catalyst Center SDK. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_host: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_host** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` / :ansible-option-required:`required` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The hostname of the Cisco Catalyst Center. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_log: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_log** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag to enable/disable playbook execution logging. When true and dnac\_log\_file\_path is provided, - Create the log file at the execution location with the specified name. When true and dnac\_log\_file\_path is not provided, - Create the log file at the execution location with the name 'dnac.log'. When false, - Logging is disabled. If the log file doesn't exist, - It is created in append or write mode based on the "dnac\_log\_append" flag. If the log file exists, - It is overwritten or appended based on the "dnac\_log\_append" flag. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`false` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`true` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_log_append: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_log_append** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Determines the mode of the file. Set to True for 'append' mode. Set to False for 'write' mode. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_log_file_path: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_log_file_path** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Governs logging. Logs are recorded if dnac\_log is True. If path is not specified, - When 'dnac\_log\_append' is True, 'dnac.log' is generated in the current Ansible directory; logs are appended. - When 'dnac\_log\_append' is False, 'dnac.log' is generated; logs are overwritten. If path is specified, - When 'dnac\_log\_append' is True, the file opens in append mode. - When 'dnac\_log\_append' is False, the file opens in write (w) mode. - In shared file scenarios, without append mode, content is overwritten after each module execution. - For a shared log file, set append to False for the 1st module (to overwrite); for subsequent modules, set append to True. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`"dnac.log"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_log_level: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_log_level** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Sets the threshold for log level. Messages with a level equal to or higher than this will be logged. Levels are listed in order of severity [CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG]. CRITICAL indicates serious errors halting the program. Displays only CRITICAL messages. ERROR indicates problems preventing a function. Displays ERROR and CRITICAL messages. WARNING indicates potential future issues. Displays WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL messages. INFO tracks normal operation. Displays INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL messages. DEBUG provides detailed diagnostic info. Displays all log messages. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`"WARNING"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_password: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_password** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The password for authentication at the Cisco Catalyst Center. .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_port: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_port** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Specifies the port number associated with the Cisco Catalyst Center. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`"443"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_task_poll_interval: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_task_poll_interval** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`integer` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Specifies the interval in seconds between successive calls to the API to retrieve task details. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`2` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_username: .. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-user: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_username** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-aliases:`aliases: user` .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The username for authentication at the Cisco Catalyst Center. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_verify: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_verify** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-dnac_version: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **dnac_version** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Specifies the version of the Cisco Catalyst Center that the SDK should use. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-default-bold:`Default:` :ansible-option-default:`""` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-state: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **state** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`string` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
The state of Cisco Catalyst Center after module completion. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`"merged"` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`"deleted"` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__parameter-validate_response_schema: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **validate_response_schema** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`boolean` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
Flag for Cisco Catalyst Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-choices:`Choices:` - :ansible-option-choices-entry:`false` - :ansible-option-choices-entry-default:`true` :ansible-option-choices-default-mark:`← (default)` .. raw:: html
.. Attributes .. Notes Notes ----- .. note:: - SDK Method used are site\_design.SiteDesign.get\_sites, network\_settings.NetworkSettings.get\_reserve\_ip\_subpool, devices.Devices.get\_device\_list, sda.Sda.get\_transit\_networks, sda.Sda.get\_layer3\_virtual\_networks, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_sites, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_zones, sda.Sda.get\_provisioned\_devices, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_devices\_layer2\_handoffs, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_sda\_transit, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_ip\_transit, sda.Sda.get\_fabric\_devices, sda.Sda.add\_fabric\_devices, sda.Sda.add\_control\_plane\_device, sda.Sda.add\_fabric\_devices\_layer2\_handoffs, sda.Sda.add\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_sda\_transit, sda.Sda.add\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_ip\_transit, sda.Sda.update\_fabric\_devices, sda.Sda.update\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_sda\_transit, sda.Sda.update\_fabric\_devices\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_ip\_transit, sda.Sda.delete\_fabric\_device\_layer2\_handoff\_by\_id, sda.Sda.delete\_fabric\_device\_by\_id, sda.Sda.delete\_fabric\_device\_layer3\_handoffs\_with\_sda\_transit, sda.Sda.delete\_fabric\_device\_layer3\_handoff\_with\_ip\_transit\_by\_id, task.Task.get\_tasks\_by\_id, task.Task.get\_task\_details\_by\_id, - Paths used are get /dna/intent/api/v1/sites get /dna/intent/api/v1/reserve-ip-subpool get /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/transitNetworks get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/layer3VirtualNetworks get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricSites get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricZones get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/provisionDevices get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer2Handoffs get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/sdaTransits get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/ipTransits get /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices post /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices post /dna/intent/api/v1/business/sda/control-plane-device post /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer2Handoffs post /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/sdaTransits post /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/ipTransits put /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices put /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/sdaTransits put /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/ipTransits delete /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/${id} delete /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer2Handoffs/${id} delete /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/sdaTransits delete /dna/intent/api/v1/sda/fabricDevices/layer3Handoffs/ipTransits/${id} get /dna/intent/api/v1/tasks/${id} get /dna/intent/api/v1/tasks/${id}/detail - Does not support \ :literal:`check\_mode`\ - The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins instead embedded connection manager from Cisco Catalyst Center SDK - The parameters starting with dnac\_ are used by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK to establish the connection .. Seealso .. Examples Examples -------- .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Create SDA fabric device with device role as CONTROL_PLANE_NODE cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE] route_distribution_protocol: LISP_PUB_SUB - name: Create SDA fabric device with device role as CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, EDGE_NODE cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, EDGE_NODE] - name: Create SDA fabric device with device role as CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, EDGE_NODE, BORDER_NODE cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, EDGE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_settings: local_autonomous_system_number: 1234 is_default_exit: true import_external_routes: true border_priority: 1 prepend_autonomous_system_count: 1 - name: Update the SDA fabric device with the device roles with BORDER_NODE and add L2 Handoff cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_settings: local_autonomous_system_number: 1234 is_default_exit: true import_external_routes: true border_priority: 2 prepend_autonomous_system_count: 2 layer2_handoff: - interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 internal_vlan_id: 550 external_vlan_id: 551 - name: Add the L3 Handoff with SDA Transit to the SDA fabric device cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_handoff_sda_transit: transit_network_name: SDA_PUB_SUB_TRANSIT affinity_id_prime: 1 affinity_id_decider: 1 connected_to_internet: true is_multicast_over_transit_enabled: false - name: Add L3 Handoff with IP Transit to the SDA fabric device with external_connectivity_ip_pool_name cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_handoff_ip_transit: - transit_network_name: IP_TRANSIT_1 interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 external_connectivity_ip_pool_name: Reserved_sda_test_1 virtual_network_name: L3VN1 vlan_id: 440 tcp_mss_adjustment: 501 - name: Add L3 Handoff with IP Transit to the SDA fabric device with local and remote network cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_handoff_ip_transit: - transit_network_name: IP_TRANSIT_1 interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 virtual_network_name: L3VN1 vlan_id: 440 tcp_mss_adjustment: 510 local_ip_address: remote_ip_address: local_ipv6_address: 2009:db8::1/64 remote_ipv6_address: 2009:db8::2/64 - name: Update the border settings of the SDA Devices cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_settings: local_autonomous_system_number: 1234 is_default_exit: false import_external_routes: false border_priority: 1 prepend_autonomous_system_count: 3 - name: Update the L3 Handoffs with SDA Transit and IP Transit. cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: merged config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: device_roles: [CONTROL_PLANE_NODE, BORDER_NODE] borders_settings: layer3_handoff_sda_transit: transit_network_name: SDA_PUB_SUB_TRANSIT affinity_id_prime: 2 affinity_id_decider: 2 connected_to_internet: false is_multicast_over_transit_enabled: true layer3_handoff_ip_transit: - transit_network_name: IP_TRANSIT_1 interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 virtual_network_name: L3VN1 vlan_id: 440 tcp_mss_adjustment: 511 local_ip_address: remote_ip_address: local_ipv6_address: 2009:db8::1/64 remote_ipv6_address: 2009:db8::2/64 - name: Delete the L2 Handoff cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: deleted config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: borders_settings: layer2_handoff: - interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 internal_vlan_id: 550 - name: Delete the L3 Handoff with SDA Transit cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: deleted config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: borders_settings: layer3_handoff_sda_transit: transit_network_name: SDA_PUB_SUB_TRANSIT - name: Delete the L3 Handoff with IP Transit cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: deleted config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: borders_settings: layer3_handoff_ip_transit: - transit_network_name: IP_TRANSIT_1 interface_name: FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1 virtual_network_name: L3VN1 - name: Delete the device cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True dnac_log_level: "{{ dnac_log_level }}" state: deleted config_verify: True config: - fabric_devices: fabric_name: Global/USA/SAN-JOSE device_config: - device_ip: .. Facts .. Return values Return Values ------------- Common return values are documented :ref:`here `, the following are the fields unique to this module: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-table .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Description * - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_1: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_1** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_10: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_10** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_11: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_11** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_12: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_12** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_13: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_13** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"endTime": "integer", "id": "string", "lastUpdate": "integer", "resultLocation": "string", "startTime": "integer", "status": "string", "version": "integer"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_2: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_2** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_3: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_3** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_4: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_4** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_5: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_5** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_6: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_6** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_7: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_7** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_8: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_8** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
* - .. raw:: html
.. _ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager_module__return-response_9: .. rst-class:: ansible-option-title **response_9** .. raw:: html .. rst-class:: ansible-option-type-line :ansible-option-type:`dictionary` .. raw:: html
- .. raw:: html
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Catalyst Center Python SDK .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line :ansible-option-returned-bold:`Returned:` always .. rst-class:: ansible-option-line .. rst-class:: ansible-option-sample :ansible-option-sample-bold:`Sample:` :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"taskId": "string", "url": "string"}, "version": "string"}` .. raw:: html
.. Status (Presently only deprecated) .. Authors Authors ~~~~~~~ - Muthu Rakesh (@MUTHU-RAKESH-27) Madhan Sankaranarayanan (@madhansansel) .. Extra links Collection links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. raw:: html .. Parsing errors