cisco.dnac.nfv_provision module – Resource module for Nfv Provision
This module is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 6.5.2).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.nfv_provision
New in version 3.1.0: of cisco.dnac
Manage operation create of the resource Nfv Provision.
Design and Provision single/multi NFV device with given site/area/building/floor .
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
dnacentersdk >= 2.5.0
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable debugging. Choices:
The Cisco DNA Center hostname. |
The Cisco DNA Center password to authenticate. |
The Cisco DNA Center port. Default: 443 |
The Cisco DNA Center username to authenticate. Default: “admin” |
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Choices:
Informs the SDK which version of Cisco DNA Center to use. Default: “” |
Additional headers. |
Nfv Provision’s provisioning. |
Nfv Provision’s device. |
Nfv Provision’s customNetworks. |
IP address pool of sub pool (eg |
Name of custom network (eg cust-1). |
Port for custom network (eg 443). |
Serial number of device (eg FGL210710QY). |
IP address of the device (eg |
Nfv Provision’s serviceProviders. |
Name of the service provider (eg Airtel). |
Nfv Provision’s wanInterface. |
Bandwidth limit (eg 100). |
Gateway (eg |
Name of the interface (eg GE0-0). |
IP address (eg |
Subnet mask (eg |
Nfv Provision’s services. |
Admin password hash. |
WAAS Package needs to be installed to populate Central Manager IP automatically. |
Central registration key. |
Common key. |
Name of disk type (eg internal). |
Mode of firewall (eg transparent). |
System IP. |
Type of service (eg ISR). |
Nfv Provision’s subPools. |
IP address for gate way (eg |
IP pool cidir (eg |
Name of the ip sub pool (eg; Lan-65). |
Name of parent pool (global pool name). |
Tyep of ip sub pool (eg Lan). |
Name of device tag (eg dev1). |
Nfv Provision’s templateParam. |
Nfv Provision’s asav. |
Variable for asav template (eg “test” “Hello asav”). |
Nfv Provision’s nfvis. |
Variable for nfvis template (eg “test” “Hello nfvis”). |
Nfv Provision’s vlan. |
Vlan id(e .4018). |
Interface (eg GigabitEathernet1/0). |
Network name to connect (eg lan-net). |
Vlan type(eg. Access or Trunk). |
Nfv Provision’s site. |
Nfv Provision’s area. |
Name of the area (eg Area1). |
Parent name of the area to be created. |
Nfv Provision’s building. |
Address of the building to be created. |
Latitude coordinate of the building (eg 37.338). |
Longitude coordinate of the building (eg -121.832). |
Name of the building (eg building1). |
Address of the building to be created. |
Nfv Provision’s floor. |
Height of the floor (eg 15). |
Length of the floor (eg 100). |
Name of the floor (eg floor-1). |
Parent name of the floor to be created. |
Type of floor (eg Cubes And Walled Offices). |
Width of the floor (eg 100). |
Name of site profile to be provision with device. |
Nfv Provision’s siteProfile. |
Nfv Provision’s device. |
Nfv Provision’s customNetworks. |
Type of network connection from custom network (eg lan). |
Name of custom network (eg cust-1). |
Network mode (eg Access or Trunk). |
Nfv Provision’s servicesToConnect. |
Name of service to be connected to the custom network (eg router-1). |
Vlan id for the custom network(eg 4000). |
Nfv Provision’s customServices. |
Application type of custom service (eg LINUX). |
Image name of custom service (eg redhat7.tar.gz.tar.gz). |
Name of custom service (eg LINUX-1). |
Profile type of service (eg rhel7-medium). |
Nfv Provision’s topology. |
Assign ip to network (eg true). |
Name of connection from custom service(eg wan-net). |
Type of connection from custom service (eg wan, lan or internal). |
Nfv Provision’s customTemplate. |
Type of the device(eg NFVIS). |
Name of the template(eg NFVIS template). |
Name of the device used in creating nfv profile(eg ENCS5400). |
Direct internet access value should be boolean (eg false). Choices:
Nfv Provision’s serviceProviders. |
Connection of service provider and device value should be boolean (eg true). Choices:
Default gateway connect value as boolean (eg true). Choices:
Name of connection type(eg GigabitEthernet). |
Name of the service provider(eg Airtel). |
Nfv Provision’s services. |
Name of image (eg isrv-universalk9.16.06.02.tar.gz). |
Mode of firewall (eg routed, transparent). |
Name of the service (eg isrv). |
Profile type of service (eg ISRv-mini). |
Nfv Provision’s topology. |
Assign ip address to network (eg true). |
Name of connection (eg wan-net). |
Type of connection (eg wan, lan or internal). |
Service type (eg ISRV). |
Device Tag name(eg dev1). |
Nfv Provision’s vlan. |
Vlan id(eg.4018). |
Vlan type(eg. Access or Trunk). |
Name of the profile to create site profile profile( eg profile-1). |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. Choices:
SDK Method used are site_design.SiteDesign.provision_nfv,
Paths used are post /dna/intent/api/v1/business/nfv,
Does not support
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco DNAC SDK
The parameters starting with dnac_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Site Design ProvisionNFV
Complete reference of the ProvisionNFV API.
- name: Create
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
headers: '{{my_headers | from_json}}'
- device:
- customNetworks:
- ipAddressPool: string
name: string
port: string
deviceSerialNumber: string
ip: string
- serviceProvider: string
bandwidth: string
gateway: string
interfaceName: string
ipAddress: string
subnetmask: string
- adminPasswordHash: string
centralManagerIP: string
centralRegistrationKey: string
commonKey: string
disk: string
mode: string
systemIp: string
type: string
- gateway: string
ipSubnet: string
name: string
parentPoolName: string
type: string
tagName: string
var1: string
var1: string
- id: string
interfaces: string
network: string
type: string
name: string
parentName: string
address: string
latitude: 0
longitude: 0
name: string
parentName: string
height: 0
length: 0
name: string
parentName: string
rfModel: string
width: 0
siteProfileName: string
- device:
- customNetworks:
- connectionType: string
name: string
networkMode: string
- service: string
vlan: string
- applicationType: string
imageName: string
name: string
profile: string
assignIp: string
name: string
type: string
- deviceType: string
template: string
deviceType: string
dia: true
- connect: true
defaultGateway: true
linkType: string
serviceProvider: string
- imageName: string
mode: string
name: string
profile: string
assignIp: string
name: string
type: string
type: string
tagName: string
- id: string
type: string
siteProfileName: string
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK Returned: always Sample: “{\n \”executionId\”: \”string\”,\n \”executionStatusUrl\”: \”string\”,\n \”message\”: \”string\”\n}\n” |