cisco.dnac.site_health_summaries_count_v1_info module -- Information module for Site Health Summaries Count V1
This module is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 6.30.0).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.site_health_summaries_count_v1_info
New in cisco.dnac 6.15.0
Get all Site Health Summaries Count V1.
Get a count of sites. Use the available query parameters to get the count of a subset of sites. This API provides the latest data from a given `endTime` If data is not ready for the provided endTime, the request will fail, and the error message will indicate the recommended endTime to use to retrieve a complete data set. This behavior may occur if the provided endTime=currentTime, since we are not a real time system. When `endTime` is not provided, the API returns the latest data. For detailed information about the usage of the API, please refer to the Open API specification document - https // specs/blob/main/Assurance/CE_Cat_Center_Org-siteHealthSummaries-1.0.3-resolved.yaml.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
dnacentersdk >= 2.4.9
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable debugging. Choices: |
The Cisco DNA Center hostname. |
The Cisco DNA Center password to authenticate. |
The Cisco DNA Center port. Default: :ansible-option-default:`443` |
The Cisco DNA Center username to authenticate. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
Flag to enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Choices: |
Informs the SDK which version of Cisco DNA Center to use. Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
EndTime query parameter. End time to which API queries the data set related to the resource. It must be specified in UNIX epochtime in milliseconds. Value is inclusive. |
Additional headers. |
Id query parameter. The list of entity Uuids. (Ex."6bef213c-19ca-4170-8375-b694e251101c") Examples id=6bef213c-19ca-4170-8375-b694e251101c (single entity uuid requested) id=6bef213c-19ca-4170-8375- b694e251101c&id=32219612-819e-4b5e-a96b-cf22aca13dd9&id=2541e9a7-b80d-4955-8aa2-79b233318ba0 (multiple entity uuid with '&' separator). |
SiteHierarchy query parameter. The full hierarchical breakdown of the site tree starting from Global site name and ending with the specific site name. The Root site is named "Global" (Ex. `Global/AreaName/BuildingName/FloorName`) This field supports wildcard asterisk (`*`) character search support. E.g. `*/San*, */San, /San*` Examples `?siteHierarchy=Global/AreaName/BuildingName/FloorName` (single siteHierarchy requested) `?siteHierarchy=Global/AreaName/BuildingName/FloorName&siteHierarchy=Global /AreaName2/BuildingName2/FloorName2` (multiple siteHierarchies requested). |
SiteHierarchyId query parameter. The full hierarchy breakdown of the site tree in id form starting from Global site UUID and ending with the specific site UUID. (Ex. `globalUuid/areaUuid/buildingUuid/floorUuid`) This field supports wildcard asterisk (`*`) character search support. E.g. `*uuid*, *uuid, uuid*` Examples `?siteHierarchyId=globalUuid/areaUuid/buildingUuid/floorUuid `(single siteHierarchyId requested) `?siteHiera rchyId=globalUuid/areaUuid/buildingUuid/floorUuid&siteHierarchyId=globalUuid/areaUuid2/buildingUuid2/floorUu id2` (multiple siteHierarchyIds requested). |
SiteType query parameter. The type of the site. A site can be an area, building, or floor. Default when not provided will be `floor,building,area` Examples `?siteType=area` (single siteType requested) `?siteType=area&siteType=building&siteType=floor` (multiple siteTypes requested). |
Flag for Cisco DNA Center SDK to enable the validation of request bodies against a JSON schema. Choices: |
SDK Method used are sites.Sites.read_site_count_v1,
Paths used are get /dna/data/api/v1/siteHealthSummaries/count,
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco DNAC SDK
The parameters starting with dnac_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco DNA Center documentation for Sites ReadSiteCountV1
Complete reference of the ReadSiteCountV1 API.
- name: Get all Site Health Summaries Count V1
dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}"
dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}"
dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}"
dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}"
dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}"
dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}"
dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}"
headers: "{{my_headers | from_json}}"
endTime: 0
siteHierarchy: string
siteHierarchyId: string
siteType: string
id: string
register: result
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK Returned: always Sample: :ansible-rv-sample-value:`{"response": {"count": 0}, "version": "string"}` |