cisco.dnac.discovery – Manage Discovery objects of Discovery¶
This plugin is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 2.0.7).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.discovery
New in version 1.0.0: of cisco.dnac
Stops all the discoveries and removes them.
Initiates Discovery with the given parameters.
Stops or starts an existing Discovery.
Returns the count of all available Discovery jobs.
Stops the Discovery for the given Discovery ID and removes it. Discovery ID can be obtained using the “Get Discoveries by range” API.
Returns Discovery by Discovery ID. Discovery ID can be obtained using the “Get Discoveries by range” API.
Stops Discovery for the given range and removes them.
Returns the Discovery by specified range.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
See Also¶
See also
- cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.discovery
The official documentation on the cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.discovery module.
- Discovery reference
Complete reference of the Discovery object model.
- Discovery reference
SDK reference.
- name: delete_all_discovery
state: delete # required
- name: start_discovery
state: create # required
discoveryType: SomeValue # string, required
ipAddressList: SomeValue # string, required
name: SomeValue # string, required
snmpVersion: SomeValue # string, required
cdpLevel: 1 # integer
- SomeValue # string
- SomeValue # string
comments: SomeValue # string
credentialType: SomeValue # string
description: SomeValue # string
id: SomeValue # string
instanceTenantId: SomeValue # string
instanceUuid: SomeValue # string
password: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
secure: True # boolean
username: SomeValue # string
comments: SomeValue # string
credentialType: SomeValue # string
description: SomeValue # string
id: SomeValue # string
instanceTenantId: SomeValue # string
instanceUuid: SomeValue # string
password: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
secure: True # boolean
username: SomeValue # string
- SomeValue # string
lldpLevel: 1 # integer
netconfPort: SomeValue # string
noAddNewDevice: True # boolean
parentDiscoveryId: SomeValue # string
- SomeValue # string
preferredMgmtIPMethod: SomeValue # string
protocolOrder: SomeValue # string
reDiscovery: True # boolean
retry: 1 # integer
snmpAuthPassphrase: SomeValue # string
snmpAuthProtocol: SomeValue # string
snmpMode: SomeValue # string
snmpPrivPassphrase: SomeValue # string
snmpPrivProtocol: SomeValue # string
snmpROCommunity: SomeValue # string
snmpROCommunityDesc: SomeValue # string
snmpRWCommunity: SomeValue # string
snmpRWCommunityDesc: SomeValue # string
snmpUserName: SomeValue # string
timeout: 1 # integer
updateMgmtIp: True # boolean
- SomeValue # string
- name: updates_discovery_by_id
state: update # required
discoveryStatus: SomeValue # string, required
id: SomeValue # string, required
cdpLevel: 1 # integer
deviceIds: SomeValue # string
discoveryCondition: SomeValue # string
discoveryType: SomeValue # string
enablePasswordList: SomeValue # string
- SomeValue # string
comments: SomeValue # string
credentialType: SomeValue # string
description: SomeValue # string
id: SomeValue # string
instanceTenantId: SomeValue # string
instanceUuid: SomeValue # string
password: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
secure: True # boolean
username: SomeValue # string
comments: SomeValue # string
credentialType: SomeValue # string
description: SomeValue # string
id: SomeValue # string
instanceTenantId: SomeValue # string
instanceUuid: SomeValue # string
password: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
secure: True # boolean
username: SomeValue # string
ipAddressList: SomeValue # string
ipFilterList: SomeValue # string
isAutoCdp: True # boolean
lldpLevel: 1 # integer
name: SomeValue # string
netconfPort: SomeValue # string
numDevices: 1 # integer
parentDiscoveryId: SomeValue # string
passwordList: SomeValue # string
preferredMgmtIPMethod: SomeValue # string
protocolOrder: SomeValue # string
retryCount: 1 # integer
snmpAuthPassphrase: SomeValue # string
snmpAuthProtocol: SomeValue # string
snmpMode: SomeValue # string
snmpPrivPassphrase: SomeValue # string
snmpPrivProtocol: SomeValue # string
snmpRoCommunity: SomeValue # string
snmpRoCommunityDesc: SomeValue # string
snmpRwCommunity: SomeValue # string
snmpRwCommunityDesc: SomeValue # string
snmpUserName: SomeValue # string
timeOut: 1 # integer
updateMgmtIp: True # boolean
userNameList: SomeValue # string
- name: get_count_of_all_discovery_jobs
state: query # required
count: True # boolean, required
register: nm_get_count_of_all_discovery_jobs
- name: delete_discovery_by_id
state: delete # required
id: SomeValue # string, required
- name: get_discovery_by_id
state: query # required
id: SomeValue # string, required
register: nm_get_discovery_by_id
- name: delete_discovery_by_specified_range
state: delete # required
records_to_delete: 1 # integer, required
start_index: 1 # integer, required
- name: get_discoveries_by_range
state: query # required
records_to_return: 1 # integer, required
start_index: 1 # integer, required
register: nm_get_discoveries_by_range
Return Values¶
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Rafael Campos (@racampos)