cisco.dnac.ssid – Manage Ssid objects of Wireless¶
This plugin is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 2.0.7).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.ssid
New in version 1.0.0: of cisco.dnac
Creates SSID, updates the SSID to the corresponding site profiles and provision it to the devices matching the given sites.
Removes SSID or WLAN from the network profile, reprovision the device(s) and deletes the SSID or WLAN from DNA Center.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
See Also¶
See also
- cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.ssid
The official documentation on the cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.ssid module.
- Ssid reference
Complete reference of the Ssid object model.
- Ssid reference
SDK reference.
- name: create_and_provision_ssid
state: create # required
enableFabric: True # boolean, required
managedAPLocations: # required
- SomeValue # string
ssidDetails: # required
name: SomeValue # string
securityLevel: SomeValue # string
enableFastLane: True # boolean
passphrase: SomeValue # string
trafficType: SomeValue # string
enableBroadcastSSID: True # boolean
radioPolicy: SomeValue # string
enableMACFiltering: True # boolean
fastTransition: SomeValue # string
webAuthURL: SomeValue # string
ssidType: # valid values are 'Guest',
# 'Enterprise'.
SomeValue # string, required
enableFlexConnect: True # boolean
localToVlan: 1 # integer
- name: delete_ssid_and_provision_it_to_devices
state: delete # required
managed_aplocations: SomeValue # string, required
ssid_name: SomeValue # string, required
Return Values¶
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Rafael Campos (@racampos)