cisco.dnac.smart_virtual_account – Manage SmartVirtualAccount objects of DeviceOnboardingPnp¶
This plugin is part of the cisco.dnac collection (version 2.0.7).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dnac
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.dnac.smart_virtual_account
New in version 1.0.0: of cisco.dnac
Returns the list of Smart Account domains.
Returns list of virtual accounts associated with the specified smart account.
Registers a Smart Account, Virtual Account and the relevant server profile info with the PnP System & database. The devices present in the registered virtual account are synced with the PnP database as well. The response payload returns the new profile.
Updates the PnP Server profile in a registered Virtual Account in the PnP database. The response payload returns the updated smart & virtual account info.
Deregisters the specified smart account & virtual account info and the associated device information from the PnP System & database. The devices associated with the deregistered virtual account are removed from the PnP database as well. The response payload contains the deregistered smart & virtual account information.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
See Also¶
See also
- cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.smart_virtual_account
The official documentation on the cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.definitions.smart_virtual_account module.
- SmartVirtualAccount reference
Complete reference of the SmartVirtualAccount object model.
- SmartVirtualAccount reference
SDK reference.
- name: get_smart_account_list
state: query # required
register: nm_get_smart_account_list
- name: get_virtual_account_list
state: query # required
domain: SomeValue # string, required
register: nm_get_virtual_account_list
- name: add_virtual_account
state: create # required
profile: # required
addressFqdn: SomeValue # string
addressIpV4: SomeValue # string
cert: SomeValue # string
makeDefault: True # boolean
name: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
profileId: SomeValue # string
proxy: True # boolean
smartAccountId: SomeValue # string, required
syncStatus: # valid values are 'NOT_SYNCED',
SomeValue # string, required
virtualAccountId: SomeValue # string, required
autoSyncPeriod: 1 # integer
ccoUser: SomeValue # string
expiry: 1 # integer
lastSync: 1 # integer
- deviceSnList:
- SomeValue # string
syncType: SomeValue # string
syncMsg: SomeValue # string
syncResultStr: SomeValue # string
syncStartTime: 1 # integer
tenantId: SomeValue # string
token: SomeValue # string
- name: update_pnp_server_profile
state: update # required
profile: # required
addressFqdn: SomeValue # string
addressIpV4: SomeValue # string
cert: SomeValue # string
makeDefault: True # boolean
name: SomeValue # string
port: 1 # integer
profileId: SomeValue # string
proxy: True # boolean
smartAccountId: SomeValue # string, required
syncStatus: # valid values are 'NOT_SYNCED',
SomeValue # string, required
virtualAccountId: SomeValue # string, required
autoSyncPeriod: 1 # integer
ccoUser: SomeValue # string
expiry: 1 # integer
lastSync: 1 # integer
- deviceSnList:
- SomeValue # string
syncType: SomeValue # string
syncMsg: SomeValue # string
syncResultStr: SomeValue # string
syncStartTime: 1 # integer
tenantId: SomeValue # string
token: SomeValue # string
- name: deregister_virtual_account
state: delete # required
domain: SomeValue # string, required
name: SomeValue # string, required
Return Values¶
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Rafael Campos (@racampos)